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Colombia Yirgacheffe - Natural EF2

- $-35.00
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Product detail
Tasting notes: Lime, Blueberry, Sugar Cane

Producer: Luis Anibal
Region: Colombia - Acevedo, Huila
Variety: Yirgacheffe
Altitude: 1500 - 1600 MASL
Crop: 2023

Processing: This coffee was grown by Luis Anibal Calderon at the farm Villa Betulia. This coffee was exposed to a dry aerobic fermentation of 24 hours before being placed inside Grainpro bags for 50 hours at a temperature below 22oC. Then the whole cherries were placed on raised beds until 11% moisture content was achieved.

Yirgacheffe is a coffee variety that is native to Ethiopia. It is a type of Arabica coffee, and it is known for its delicate, floral aroma and bright, citrusy acidity. Yirgacheffe coffees are often described as having notes of tangerine, lemon, and jasmine. It is known for its high quality and unique flavor profile. It produces high-quality cherries and has high- yield production.

Weight: 250g

Recommended for: Filter