订单满 $50 新加坡免运费


Colombia Gesha - Natural Mandarin Maceration

- $-48.70
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Product detail
Tasting notes: Stevia, Jasmine, Tangerine, Chocolate

Producer: Jairo Arcila
Region: Colombia - Armenia, Quindio
Variety: Gesha
Altitude: 1450 - 1500 MASL
Crop: 2023

Processing: Grown by Jairo Arcila at Finca Santa Monica. This coffee was picked and transported the same day to La Pradera (Cofinet’s processing station).

For this microlot, cherries were strictly picked with the same level of ripeness, exposed to a dry anaerobic fermentation of 48 hours with tangerine skin, and later shadow-dried in parabolic beds mixed with tangerine skin to ideal moisture content.

Weight: 250g

Recommended for: Filter